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My Services

The college admission landscape is complex and unpredictable. Jill uses her background in college admissions and school-based college counseling to help students navigate their strengths, construct compelling narratives, and submit applications to a range of best-fit colleges. Jill’s student-centered approach and ability to scaffold the cumulative process into manageable, age-appropriate tasks helps students feel empowered and affirmed with each step.

Comprehensive Review

During this introductory session, we review a student’s transcript, standardized tests, and extracurricular involvements to make strategic recommendations based on a student’s goals and aspirations.

College List Development & Research

Throughout the junior year, we work with each student to research and explore various colleges that align with their academic profile, major selection, and personal preferences. Most students schedule college visits and maximize efforts to gain familiarity with each school’s offerings.

Pre-Application Support

We address many items in the lead-up to the application process, including academic advising and course selection, test preparation for the SAT, ACT, and AP exams, pursuing meaningful extracurricular opportunities, requesting letters of recommendation, completing school-based questionnaires, updating databases, and devising an early (ED1, ED2, REA, EA) and regular application strategy.

Application Support

We provide meticulous organizational support throughout the entire application process. To ensure no stone is left unturned, we take our time. Nothing is done at the last minute, including application submission. From expert essay-writing support, to outlining activities for maximum benefit, to filling out applications and answering each college's questions, students receive support throughout the process.

Supplemental Materials

Many students need supplemental materials to scaffold various parts of the process. These may include a resume, extra essays for an honors program, or an artist statement. We are here to assist with these items.

Post-Application Support

Pushing “submit” doesn’t mean the process is finished. We work with students to ensure supplemental materials are received. Are there “optional” recommendations within the student portal, such as an opportunity to request an interview? We don’t leave anything on the table.

Student Accountability

None of the work is possible without student accountability. From beginning to end, we work with students to ensure maximum participation while also keeping the process low stress, affirming, and fun.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is your college counseling philosophy?
    We are committed to helping students have an empowering and healthy college process.
  • Why do families hire an Independent College Consultant?
    There are a myriad of reasons for hiring an Independent Educational Consultant for your child. The most common theme is a desire to preserve the student-parent relationship during junior and senior years. Hiring an IEC is a family decision. Just because “everyone has an outside college counselor” isn’t a reason to hire one for your child. Be clear about your child’s strengths and challenges. Ask your child’s school-based college counselor about their timeline to determine whether that dovetails with the support your student will need to manage the workload. In many cases, your child’s high school offers excellent, full-scope service.
  • Why is the comprehensive package a 16-months?
    Optimizing junior year is essential to scaffolding the college exploration process in a way that is streamlined and manageable. Is your student meeting with college representatives who visit the high school? Do they have a testing plan (or are they applying to test-optional schools)? What about scheduling college visits ahead of the Spring Break rush? Is the college list balanced and well-researched? Have they completed teacher and counselor questionnaires for letters of recommendation? Is everything correct in their school database? These are some of the nuts and bolts we address during the junior year which lay the foundation for executing essays, nailing interviews, demonstrating interest, and submitting the best possible applications over the summer and fall months of a student’s senior year. We don’t do anything last-minute. We are always thinking about the big picture and pacing the process in a low-stress, age-appropriate way.
  • Do you work with freshmen or sophomores?
    We always have a spring meeting with sophomores who sign up for our comprehensive package to discuss junior-year course selection, summer plans, and a testing timeline. On a case-by-case basis, we work with students earlier, particularly if they are applying to extremely selective summer programs that require essays.
  • How do you help a student identify a best-fit college?
    Getting to know a student is the first step! Students and parents are asked to complete onboarding questionnaires to provide initial insight about academic interests, learning style, and what a student envisions as an ideal college experience. From there, Jill works with each student to discuss their preferences, values, and goals. Do they imagine attending a quintessential New England college with a strong art program? Maybe the anonymity of a large classroom setting and the scale of a large public flagship school piques their interest. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. Jill is an expert at list-building and assessing whether a college/major is a likely, target, reach, or unlikely for each student.
  • What are your professional affiliations?
    Jill is a 26-year member of NACAC.
  • Can parents attend meetings?
    Our process is student-centered from beginning to end. There are natural moments when parents are invited to join meetings and Jill keeps parents informed at key moments while also holding students accountable to assignments. Jill offers hourly consultations for parents who desire more frequent opportunities to connect.
  • Do you share a student’s work/writing with a parent?
    Once we begin the formal process, we do not share the student’s work. In many cases, students ask for parents’ feedback before submission.
  • How many students are enrolled in the Comprehensive Package?
    We never want to overcommit and underdeliver. Jill works with 15-18 comprehensive students each cycle to ensure availability when students most need the most support and guidance.
  • Can you help with FAFSA and CSS Profile?
    We discuss financial aid and whether it’s a consideration, but we don’t track financial aid deadlines or assist with paperwork. We can, however, recommend folks who offer this service. If a student is applying for merit-based scholarships when submitting their applications, we assist with those essays.
  • How do you support students applying to BFA programs?
    Wonderfully! Over the years our applicants have attended art schools, conservatories, and BFA programs within research universities. Applying to a BFA program is double the work; often, these students target fewer than 10 schools. We help with all written aspects of BFA applications; however, we do not assess talent or help with the creative aspects of these applications, including film reels, monologue selection, choreography, filming pre-screen auditions, etc.
  • How do you support students who are neurodiverse?
    Again, wonderfully! Some students require more structured, on-screen support while others enjoy drafting independently. We meet students where they are.

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©2024 Gully College Consulting, LLC 

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